Moving Roots

We believe in co-creation as a mechanism for direct and impactful social change.

Moving Roots is a collective of arts organisations; Battersea Arts Centre, Lyrici Arts, Common Wealth, The Old Courts and Jumped Up Theatre, spanning across the UK (London, Medway, Cardiff, Wigan and Peterborough.)

Across three years we will collaborate with communities and artists to explore pioneering new ways to make, stage and tour live performances across the UK. Moving Roots will give local people the agency and empowerment for them to be a catalyst for creativity, leadership and the change they want to see in their communities.

The process of co-creation at the core of Moving Roots challenges hierarchies and ‘top-down’ ways of working – we love it because it invites a wide range of voices to the table making the work rich, relevant and powerful.

If you want to get in touch about this project, contact Christie Hill, Moving Roots producer at Battersea Arts Centre on 

This project has been generously supported by the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation and Garfield Weston Foundation. 

A pink circle surrounding the letters EF with black text situated to the right.

Blue text and an image of a blue square with a W above the name.

We will not use jargon, and make sure language and process is clear and de-mystified

We will be receptive to gifts

The work will be artistically excellent

“Not about us, without us”

The project will encourage people to be more active in their own lives/community

The project will enable people to blow up old narratives & practice new ones

Where possible, support the onward progression of people; take them beyond volunteering and give access to paid work

Dig deeper

The project will make people feel differently