A photo taken from behind a crowd gathered at a concert in our Grand Hall. Spotlights shine down from the wooden lattice roof and illuminate the stage.


A New Hope by Rahja Shakiry

As of 8 March 2021 Battersea Arts Centre will be become Wandsworth’s community Vaccination Centre. We will be welcoming people from across the borough into our building where they will receive their vaccine, administered by trained NHS staff. Residents will be contacted by the NHS and asked to book an appointment.

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The first of a series of blogs from the team commissioned by Arts Council England to come up with a new showcase for performance from England at the Edinburgh Festivals.

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We’re teaming up with Dance4, Fierce, GIFT, MAYK and Transform, to produce a showcase celebrating a new generation of artists across England, as part of the Edinburgh Festival from 2021. Commissioned by Arts Council England.

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Here For Culture

We are thrilled and relieved that Battersea Arts Centre has been granted support through the Cultural Recovery Fund, announced today. We would like to send a huge thank you to the Treasury, the Culture Secretary, and all at DCMCS and Arts Council England.

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Battersea Arts Centre Building 2020

We support the call led by @TheatreCTA and #PullUpOrShutUp for greater transparency around Black representation across our industry. Here are our statistics regarding our diversity as a venue.

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Custodians For Covid - Joanna Vestey

Led by photographer Joanna Vestey, the Custodians for Covid project features 20 London theatres in lockdown including Battersea Arts Centre. Joanna is selling prints of her photographs to support London’s theatres.

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Danielle has worked with her brother, Fitzgerald Honger, on a response to the Black Lives Matter movement using spoken word and a video collage of protest photography.

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coletivA ocupação are a company of students from different districts of São Paulo, Brazil. They create projects that sit between art, activism and education.

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Rico Sisney

I have written a lot of songs about racism and police brutality. I have processed the feelings, read up on the history, protested, meditated, organized and trained. And yet, I still feel it when I wake up and see footage of a black man being murdered in the middle of the street.”

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BAC building sign

The Covid-19 crisis threatens all aspects of the theatrical ecology, but catalysed by the revelations of the racial disparity in the health crisis, this group of Black, Asian and ethnically diverse artistic leaders call on the government and the sector to ensure the progress we have collectively made does not fall by the way-side.

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Earlier this year, our Going Global season was cancelled due to Covid-19. In the weeks that followed, we asked some of the artists whose performances were cut short or cancelled if they would like to share a version of their work online.

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custodians grand hall

This is a letter to self-employed and freelance theatre and performance makers in the UK. To the actors, playwrights, directors, choreographers, stage managers, designers, stage crews and set-builders to name just a few. We really miss being with you during this period of lockdown.

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