A photo taken from behind a crowd gathered at a concert in our Grand Hall. Spotlights shine down from the wooden lattice roof and illuminate the stage.


2 Omid Djalili and Bláithín Mac Gabhann in Performance Live The Way Out. Arts Council England, BBC Arts, Battersea Arts Centre

Filmed in one continuous take, The Way Out  is an immersive journey through a labyrinth of rooms and corridors.

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Last week we launched as the first relaxed venue in the world. Ahead of the celebration, Jess Thom of TourettesHero spoke to Lyn Gardner for an interview with StageDoor about how and why it’s such an important thing for us to be doing.

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! The Happiness Project - photocredit Chris Bishop 2 (1)

Co-Creating Change today announced its first five commissions, awarding nearly £60,000 to five projects to effect real social change across the country. The commissions bring together artists, local creative organisations and their communities to work creatively and collaboratively together, to tackle wide ranging subjects and issues.

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‘Not for me, Not for you, But for Us’ is Battersea’s mid-19th century motto and is one of Battersea Arts Centre’s core values. We think it captures a spirit of generosity and shared endeavour.

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After several years away our organ is finally back, with the old pipes in the new Grand Hall, looking spectacular on the balcony. 

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We are thrilled to announce that Tarek Iskander will become our new Artistic Director and CEO in May 2019.

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On 13 March 2015, a fire destroyed our Grand Hall. This summer, we throw open our doors with a celebratory Phoenix Season for 2018.

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