Jess Thom, a woman with short brown curly hair wearing a blue and silver superhero suit, is surrounded by children throwing confetti

Support Us

We’re working to find ways to support the incredible artists and communities who work with us.

An image of a woman wearing a red and black hair wrap and blue dress. She sings into one of two microphones on stands.

Your support, particularly during this unprecedented time, is vital.

We are still here and working as hard as we can to bring creative solutions to the frontline of this crisis. From teaching the nation to beatbox via BAC Beatbox Academy’s Instagram, to producing seven new Culture In Quarantine projects with BBC Arts, to checking in with the remarkable young people from The Agency project across the country, and sending thousands of Playkits to children across Wandsworth, we will keep creating and keep supporting artists, our community and our sector.

A view looking up at all three sides of the standing gallery, with audience members looking over onto the stage, in our courtyard, draped in lightbulbs

We would like to thank everyone who supports our work at every level including, but far from limited to, the following:

Arts Council England | Battersea Unitied Charities | Bloomberg Philanthropies | Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation | Department for Culture, Media & Sport | Esmée Fairbairn Foundation | Garfield Weston Foundation | Greater London Authority | Mayor of London | National Lottery Community Fund | National Lottery Heritage Fund | Paul Hamlyn Foundation | The Walcot Foundation | Wandsworth Borough Council | Wolfson Foundation | Battersea Power Station Foundation | Ernest Hecht Charitable Foundation | International Music & Art Foundation | John Thaw Foundation | Kirsten Scott Memorial Trust | Morrisons Foundation | PRS Foundation | Resolution Trust | Royal Victoria Hall Foundation | Unity Theatre Trust | Wandsworth Grant Fund | Wimbledon Foundation | William Allen Young Charitable Trust | Youth Music | Mactaggart Third Fund

Elizabeth & Reade Griffith | Fiona Mactaggart | Justin Shinebourne | Chris Cabot | Josh & Danna Berger | Daniel Wiener | Patrick Healy | Scott & Laura Malkin


Anne Murch & Michael Day | Christopher Hall | Jenny Sheridan | Jonathan & Ann Tross | Jonathan Wakeham | Simon Hooper | Rosalind Given-Wilson | Patrick Harrison | Carol Browne | Laurence K Billett | Georgia Garuti | Sally O’Neill | David Jubb | Sarah Gorman | Eric Bensaude | Stuart Doole | Phyllida Shaw | Sarah Hall | Dr Sarah Burnett-Moore


Victor Craven | Anthony I Morris | Rebecca Holt | Tim Platt | Henrietta Marsh | Joanna Hird | Francine Stock | Anna Arthur | Miriam Sherwood | David Jubb | Alan Leibowitz | Claire Breen | Martin Linton | Alice Negre | Miran Hadzic | Holly Stilgoe

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