Four women wearing bright, block colour bathing suits sit and recline in a dark room. A white light shines on them from above.

Taking The Stage: Call Out

We are looking for three early career artists working in theatre, performance or live art.

Despite its challenges, 2020 has inspired new ways of creating and sharing art – between houses and flats, counties and countries. It has sparked bold experimentation, surprising collaborations and international connections across the creative sector.

Taking The Stage is an ambitious artist development programme that will create bridges between the UK and Mexico. Created in partnership with British Council Mexico and La Teatreria, it will bring together three British artists with three Mexican artists, January – March 2021.

As an artist on the programme, you will:

  • Have the opportunity to experiment and reflect on the creative process.
  • Be guided by two renowned creators in the contemporary theatre scene, including Sammy Metcalfe (Artistic Director of Sleepwalk Collective).
  • Develop connections with fellow young performance creators in Mexico.
  • Recieve a fee of £700.

To apply, fill out a short application form via the button below.

Alternatively, you can also email us a brief (max 3 mins) audio clip or video telling us about your work and why you would benefit from the programme. Please use ‘Taking The Stage Application’ as the email subject, and remember to include your name and any links to past work (this is not essential).


We are interested in hearing from early career artists from all walks of life and encourage applications from disabled artists or those under represented in the creative sector.

Taking The Stage will take place January – March 2021 (dates and times to be decided).

The programme will involve:

  •  Six workshop sessions on an online platform, to be decided (e.g. Zoom). Sessions will be process-driven with space for experimentation and collaboration with peers.
  •  One performance outcome at the end of the project, and delivery of a printed or digital report.
It will be facilitated by two tutors: one from the UK (Sammy Metcalfe, Artistic Director of Sleepwalk Collective) and one from Mexico. Both tutors will work with you for the duration of the project.