An image in black and white of an unmade bed focused on the pillows. Orange text peeking from behind them say Come To Bed With Me,

Come To Bed With Me

This event has now passed


Time: 9pm

Price: FREE (tickets are limited. Please ensure you can attend when booking)

Running Time: 1 hour

Age Guidance: 18+

Captions, BSL and Audio Description available. Please scroll down to the Access Section for details.

If you’ve booked a ticket, we’ll email you a link to access the performance at 8pm on the day of the show. Need help or haven’t received your link? Contact the usher. 

You are invited to take part in an intimate performance with disabled performer, Robert Softley-Gale. A conversation, a nightly routine, a shared experience – bedroom to bedroom.

Brought to you by Birds of Paradise Theatre Company, this is an invitation to share in moments that are new and real – to exchange with people who might not look or move as you do. 

Created by Robert Softley Gale, Rachel Drazek and Mairi TaylorCome to Bed with Me takes Birds of Paradise into digital and durational territory that is new for the company.

Come get ready for bed with me.  From your bedroom to mine – sharing our intimate spaces and personal moments. We might talk about what’s there and what’s not there – what’s missing. Listen, watch, talk, move with me… it’s up to you.”

Part of our Make/Love Season #MakeLove2020

This event takes place online.

If you’ve booked a ticket, you’ll receive an email in advance with helpful information. An hour before the show, we’ll email you a link to access the performance.

The performance on Wed 28 Oct will be Captioned
The performance on Thu 29 Oct will be British Sign Language (BSL) interpreted
The performance on Fri 30 Oct will be Audio Described 

Due to the small capacity of these performances, we are keen to ensure that those who would benefit most from these access services have the first choice of dates.


Because this is new work, we are unable to communicate in advance what the show’s content will be. You can adjust the brightness and volume of your device at any time.

All performances will be Relaxed. We invite you to make yourself comfortable and move around if you need to. If you need to take a break, we recommend moving away from your device to do so. If you decide to turn off the performance, you will need to email the usher to gain re-entry.

During the performance, you may be invited to follow simple instructions. This is optional and you can take part if you want to.

Further Information

Download the pre-show information